The 7 Best Function Generator kits in 2020 Reviews & Buying Guide

A signal generator generates, as the name suggests, a signal. A function generator, on the other hand, is more or less a signal generator but with the ability to generate multifunctional waveforms. 

A CRO (Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope) will visualize the signals that are generated by a function or a signal generator. While they might cost a little on the high end, a self-built function generator is just as effective if not accurate than a ready-made CRO machine.

They are highly inexpensive and if you are into electronics as a hobby, you would know that building one is just as simple. In this list today, we are going to look at and talk about some of the top DIY function generator kits available to buy. 

These are ranked and rated based on the following three factors.

  • Feature Rich:

This includes all the types of waveforms the function generator can support once it is built. From basic sine or square waves to any form of custom waves, it should be able to generate them.

  • Compatibility

Most of these DIY kits do not come with any display. Hence the kit you choose should have a wider compatibility factor so it can be set up with a good quality display screen once it is built. 

  • Quality of the components

You can know and trust more about the quality of the components provided to you by reading the reviews of other buyers. The list provided below has been generated after going through how many other online electronics enthusiasts have felt about after using them.

Now without any further ado, let us jump right into the article and list down the top and best DIY Function generator kits that you can buy.

Best Function Generator Kit 2020

Function Generator kitsTypeIC UsedDisplay ScreenCheck the price
KKmoon XR2206 Function Signal Generator DIY KitAnalogueXR2206No Check the Price
Kuman 30MHz DDS Arbitrary Signal Waveform Generator kitAnalogueXR2206No Check the Price
KKmoon Mini DDS Digital Synthesis Function Generator DIY KitDigitalN/AYes Check the Price
Kuman Function Generator DIY KITDigitalN/AYes Check the Price
Walmeck XR2206 Function Signal Generator DIY KitAnalogueXR2206No Check the Price
HiLetgo Function Signal Generator DIY KitAnalogueICL8038No Check the Price
KKmoon DDS Function Signal Generator Module DIY Kit AnalogueN/AYes Check the Price

Top Function Generator: Reviews

1. KKmoon XR2206 High Precision Function Signal Generator DIY Kit

Signal Generator DIY Kit

First on our list is a DIY signal generator by KKmoon. This function generator has been highly rated and reviewed. It utilizes the XR2206 IC that is highly precise. 

With a frequency range from 1 Hz up to 1MHz, it can generate simple Sine waves, Triangular, square waves and also Ramp, unit impulse waves too. 

The maximum impedance of this machine is 600 Ohms. The maximum amplitude of the function generator is about 3V with a 1% distortion.

It works with a 9 Volt battery (not included in the box). The PCB boards are all holed up for easier component placing and packing. There is also a small plastic box to place it all up and as for the tuning, it comes with 3 knobs to enable coarse and fine-tuning.

Components included:
  • Resistors
  • Capacitors
  • Alligator Clips
  • Prefabricated Circuit Board (no screen)
  • Plastic case
  • Knobs
  • User manual


  • Affordable pricing
  • Good quality


  • The plastic case is a little wobbly and fragile so handle with care.
  • Custom waveforms have their issues
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2. Kuman 30MHz DDS Arbitrary Signal Waveform Generator Counter

Kuman 30MHz High Precision Dual Channel

Next on our list is the Kuman Dual-Channel Signal Waveform generator. It has a maximum of 30 MHz frequency limit. This one too is based on the XR2206 IC.

The kit can generate a high sine wave amplitude of 3V (and 8V for square waves). It has a standard impedance of 600 ohms.

The unit is easy to assemble and install as it comes with DuPont wire cables and a Phillips Screwdriver (3.0mm). It has already punched through holes that make it easier to assemble. 

Components Included:

  • Resistors and Capacitors
  • Alligator Clips
  • Prefabricated Circuit Board (Without Screen)
  • Plastic case for housing the kit
  • Knobs
  • A 10P male to male jumper wire
  • 100mm length and 3.0mm size Philips screwdriver 
  • A user manual


  • Great for small to mid waveforms
  • Easy to assemble and start using 


  • The screws provided sometimes are not enough
  • Difficulty creating custom waveforms
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3. KKmoon Mini DDS Digital Synthesis Function Generator DIY Kit

KKmoon Mini DDS Digital Synthesis Function Generator DIY Kit

Next on our list is yet another KKmoon product. This time, it is a Mini Digital Synthesis Function Generator DIY kit rather than the analogous one mentioned above.

The best thing about this DIY function generator is that it comes with a screen of its own (which not a lot of analogue DIY kits have). The screen is prefabricated onto the PCB board that is provided. 

Once built, the product can work in Fixed Frequency Mode (CW), Servo sIGNAL patterns (SERVO) and Sweep Mode (SWEEP). 

The output types are the usual as the analogue model which include Sine, Triangle, Positive & Negative Sawtooth, Staircase ( positive and negative) and other custom defined waveforms as well. 

Control the external signal using the trigger function, fine-tune the step size after loading from the PC and do much more. (No knob problems as it is placed by punching in the digits). The maximum frequency and amplitude of this generator is at 1 Mhz. 

With the Servo Signal Mode, you can set up the servo positions with great flexibility. Operate back and forth freely.

Components Included:

  • Capacitors and the other minor circuit elements
  • PCB with screen
  • Buttons and other minor equipment of the DIY kit
  • Set of alligator clips
  • User guide cum building manual


  • A DIY digital frequency generator kit
  • Multiple modes of operation
  • Control the signal using digits instead of unstable knobs


  • Could improve the menuing system.
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4. Kuman Function Generator DIY KIT by JYE Tech FG085

kuman function genrate kit

The JYE Tech F5085 is a DIY digital function generator by Kuman much like the Mini DDS DIY Digital Function generator by kkmoon we listed above. 

This one too comes with a small screen and can do almost everything the DDS Mini can do. It has an easy set up with all the holes punched on the Prefabricated Circuit Board. 

It can generate continuous waveforms basic like the Square, Sine, Ramp, Staircase and Triangle and it can also generate custom user-defined arbitrary waveforms as well. The amplitude and frequency limits for this frequency generator are 1 Mhz that is the same as a DIY analogue frequency generators

It also has servo control which analogue devices do not have. As it is a digital device, the function generator’s controls are press buttons instead of the wobbly knobs which are a huge relief and ease up the process of using it. 

The assembly guide has detailed instructions on the assembly and usage. There are, however, reported issues about the product having power issues.

Components Included:

  • PCB with an integrated mini screen
  • Resistors, Capacitors and all the micro components required for the circuit completion 
  • Press buttons
  • Output and Power supply cables
  • User manual


  • A digital function generator that is easy to use 
  • Great fit and has no improper fit issues like most DIY function generator kits


  • Has power issues while turning it on
  • Pricing 
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5. Walmeck XR2206 High Precision Function Signal Generator DIY Kit

Walmeck XR2206 High Precision kit

Walmeck is a DIY analogue function generator that is based on the XR2206 high precision IC. It can generate simple Sine, Triangle and Square waves of the frequency range 1Hz to 1MHz

The amplitude and frequency of the function generator can be adjusted with the help of fine-tuning and coarse tuning using the knobs. 

Building up the kit is simple and easy just as most of the analogue kits mentioned in the list. It comes with all thorough hole components which make assembly and installation easy as putting up a small lego structure.

The generator works on a 9 or 12Volt power source that is most usually a battery (that is not included in the package).

Components Included:

  • PCB Board (no screen)
  • 3 Knobs for coarse and fine-tuning
  • XR2206 IC, Resistors, capacitors and other micro components
  • Glass case to place the entire finished circuit in
  • User manual


  • Very affordable pricing
  • High-quality components
  • Great performance


  • Limited waveforms
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6. HiLetgo 2pcs ICL8038 Monolithic Function Signal Generator DIY Kit

HiLetgo Monolithic Function kit

All of the DIY function generators mentioned in the list so far are based out of the XR2206 IC. The HiLetgo monolithic function signal generator module is based on the ICL8038 IC. 

While the IC XR2206 has a maximum frequency range of 1 Hz to 1 MHz, the ICL8038 has a meagre frequency range of just 50 to 5KHz. This makes it ideal for longer wavelength waveforms. (provided the display length is large) 

The uniform VCC voltage for this frequency generator is about 2 Volts and the input voltage is the standard 12 Volts (batteries not included and 9-volt batteries may not work).

The function generators come in a pack of two and in it, the manual/ the schematic is not included. 

Components included:

  • 2 Sets of function generator PCB 
  • Resistors, capacitors and all the other micro components needed for the installation
  • ICL8038


  • Comes in a pack of 2
  • Very easy to build
  • Given the low-frequency range, it can be used for high wavelength waveforms (provided larger display screen) 


  • Not so ideal for larger frequency requirements
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7. KKmoon DDS Function Signal Generator Module DIY Kit 

KKmoon DDS kit

Last on our list is a DDS function signal generator kit from KKmoon but unlike its previous version, this one comes with a small mini 2 inches screen to view the inputs that are being programmed in. 

It can generate basic sine waves, square waves, sawtooth waves and triangle waveforms. It has a very high output speed of 8MHz. The amplitude and offset can be varied using the coarse and fine-tuning with the knobs provided to the kit. 

Frequency adjustments can be done in the steps of 1,10 and 1000 MHz. it has an intuitive 5 Button keypad to toggle in the instructions as well. Very easy to build and install, the schematics for installation are provided in a free to access dropbox link. 

The kit has 2 outputs. One is for DDS signal and another is for high-speed square signals. It can also restore the last frequency state when you power off and power it back up.

Components included:

  • PCB with a 2 x 16 sized mini screen 
  • Resistors, capacitors and other micro components needed to finish the circuit


  • Comes with a screen
  • Neatly cut and easy to assemble kit


  • Lacks proper information regarding the IC 
  • Does not have an enclosure box
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Wrapping it up

The KKmoon XR2206 High Precision Function Signal Generator is a great pick as it comes with well-cut PCB, components that fit well and gives you seamless function. While it may not be able to create custom waveforms, it sure gives you the bang for the buck and is easily one of the best DIY Function generator kits out there. 

Please remember that given the highly cheap nature of these kits, do not expect a highly precise or versatile waveform output like professional CRO machines (Read: The Best Signal Waveform Generators)

So those were our picks. We hope that it filled out on all that you are looking for and if you have any further questions or queries regarding any electronics or electrical components, DIY kits or anything as such, feel free to write to us in the comments section below. Our team will write back to you as soon as possible. 

The post The 7 Best Function Generator kits in 2020 Reviews & Buying Guide appeared first on Electronics Hub.

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